Tuesday, 29 July 2014

An Interactive book with Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality!, a technology that is about to transform the world that we are looking today. Right from the business to advanced sciences, its impact can be predicted. Interacting with the physical world will be an amazing experience  with the perfect combination of technologies like google glass and Augmented Reality(AR).

Here is an example of such interaction which I have developed. The following video is a book powered with AR. As a student, we all would have experienced trouble while understanding a concept given in a book and wasted time in searching for related simple explanations in the internet. Now, with the Augmented reality and with the smart phones/google glass,  it is possible to make learning more interesting. In the video, it can be seen that, once the camera sees the image/circuit in the book, it automatically overlays its corresponding video tutorial. This makes learning interactive and efficient.

And finally, It is the image recognition that triggers the Augmented Reality as said in this TED video.

The software that I have used to develop this application include,

1. Eclipse IDE
2. Android SDK
3. JDK 6
4. Metaio SDK 5.3

There are lot Augmented Reality SDKs like Vuforia SDK, Layar SDK, Metaio SDK etc, whose libraries can be used to develop AR applications along with the Android SDK. Even OpenCV4Android( along with Android SDK) can also be used with proper recognition algorithms, image/video overlaying and with proper initialization of the internal Android senors to develop such applications.

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